Thursday, May 3, 2012

Going Home Day

Mary Jo being escorted to the car by the little old volunteer ladies

Mary Jo came home from the hospital this afternoon and is resting at home.  The main goal for now is pain control.  Dr Luong told me the procedure went well.  There does not seem to be any post op complications except Mary Jo was sweating from the top of her head all last night.  Very strange because that never had happened to her and the doctors could not give us a solid explanation, only to say it could be a number of things but likely the side effect of numerous medications and pain killers.  Mary Jo has one JP drain tube device exiting her left side below her breast, a five inch or so incision on her back going from her arm pit to about mid back and a simular size elliptical shaped scar on her left breast from the transplanted muscle and skin tissue from her back which replaced the reconstructed, damaged, radiated skin tissue.  The scars look very painful but the plastic surgeon did a wonderful job and the should flatten out well in the months ahead. 

Mary Jo resting just before being discharged today from Fairview Ridges Hospital

Mary Jo is a tough girl and we understand life has setbacks and hopefully we can learn and grow stronger.  We feel very blessed to have so much support from of family and friends and I thank God that this setback was not a life threatening cancer related bout.  Amen.

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