Friday, November 12, 2010

Consultation Day

Mary Jo and I had a consultation today with spinal specialist orthopedic surgeon, Dr Jeffrey Dick at his Edina office of Twin Cities Orthopedics.  Dr Dick examined Mary Jo and questioned her extensively to try to determine the source of Mary Jo's pain in her left shoulder and numbness in her arm and hand.  After reviewing the previous CT scans and the written report from the radiologist, Dr Dick suggested a Cortisone  injection into Mary Jo's left shoulder.  If within an hour after the injection, Mary Jo experiences at least 75% relief from the pain symptoms, then Dr Dick believes the source to be "inflammation in the bursa area associated with the rotator cuff".  If less than 75% relief had been experienced, the next step would have been to do an injection in the C7 vertebra of Mary Jo's neck.  Mary Jo did feel she had pretty significant relief from the injection so Dr Dick will likely be prescribing some sort of physical therapy and a consultation with our usual orthopedic surgeon Dr William Simonet to look at Mary Jo's shoulder.

model patient

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