Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Surgery Day

Mary Jo is in the operating room at the Burnsville Fairview Ridges Hospital right now.  She was in very good spirits, laughing and telling jokes with her mom and her sister Michelle in the pre-op.  Our plastic surgeon, Dr. Luong is running about 30 minutes behind schedule from her previous surgery so the actual surgery started at 9:20am.  Dr. Luong explained to Mary Jo and I in pre-op that the surgical procedure is expected to take about an hour and a half and then Mary Jo will be in post-op recovery for about an hour.  Dr. Luong will brief me in the O.R. consultation room after she completes the surgery. 

MJ in the hospital lobby

MJ going into surgery at 9:20am

MJ joking around in pre-op

1 comment:

Stephanie Firestone said...

Thoughts and prayers to you!!!!