Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Oncology Visit For Referral

 Mary Jo had a consultation visit with her new oncologist, Dr. Sandeep Jain, MBBS yesterday at Minnesota Oncology to dicuss getting a referral to see a pulmonary doctor after the chest X-Ray from the E.R. visit revealed bulky bilateral lymphadenopathy.  Prior to Mary Jo starting her cancer treatment back in 2009, a P.E.T. scan lead to a simular discovery which lead to a biopsy preceedure being ordered to confirm that the suspicious scan was not malignant.  The 2009 biopsy lab result was non necrotising granuloma but "not malignant" so our concerns were shelved and Mary Jo's cancer treatment moved forward at full speed but we never got to the bottom of the bilateral lymphadenopathy issue.  Dr. Jain does not feel that the recent bilateral lymphadenopathy scan is consistant with cancer so that is good news but he referred us to a pulmonary specialist as the nest step.  Dr. Jain suggested that they would likely redo the the proceedure to get a new biopsy sample.  Mary Jo says she is feeling normal and is not to concerned.  We are both looking forward to scheduling the meeting and getting more information.

Dr. Jain explaining proceedure scan results.

E.R doctor explaining x-ray from 2023

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