Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Another Good Day

Mary Jo continues to feel “pretty good” today. I think she is over the hump for now during this chemo cycle. Mary Jo is scheduled for a second MUGA scan tomorrow morning at Fairview Ridges Hospital. The MUGA scan is then reviewed by a radiologist who is checking MJ’s heart functions. The major negative side effect of the 52 weeks of Herceptin treatments is that it can be hard on a patient’s heart. We expect everything to be normal. She has a strong heart. Next Monday morning Mary Jo is scheduled for chemo treatment #5. Too bad Thanksgiving is not this week while Mary Jo is feeling pretty good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Beautiful!!!!!! I'm in ABQ thinking about you. I just flew with Scott and Kelly(don't know their last name, but they are married). Very nice people. They didn't know, so I filled them in a little bit. I gave them the blog site so they could catch up. I wasn't gossiping about you, PROMISE! She mentioned LuAnn and how much she liked her and then we started chatting about how much she likes you. I said, "not as much as I do"!!!!! Ha Ha Ha........... Anyway, Kelly said to say Hi.

Have a great night!
Love you,